Duluth, Minnesota
A growing city of 86,918, Duluth is a regional center for tourism, education, medical care, aviation, high-technology development and international shipping. Each year more than one thousand ships from many foreign countries sail beneath the historic Aerial Lift Bridge into the seaport (see the Lake Superior Duluth stream.org.)
Duluth is the main touristic centre of Minneapolis, Minnesota. It is located about 200 miles north of Minneapolis which requires two hours plus drive to reach to. As stated above the main bridge across the lake known as Aerial Lift Bridge is worth seeing. Like the Tower Bridge on Thames River in London, it has its own peculiarity. The Tower Bridge allows the ship/s move to and fro under it by opening the road of the bridge into two flanks whereas the Aerial Lift Bridge lifts up the total sigle piece of road to pass the ships. The Lake extends further north upto Canada border.
We happened to arrive at the site right in time of coming up of the ship and moving up of the bridge. The sea gulls, the light house and touristic boat again were very enjoyable to see for us especially, who hardly happens to sail on abroad. Apart from that the lake side was still remarkable with certain huge metal pieces of ship parts like anchor, bell and the like.
Unpredictable weather: It is said that the weather on the sea-shore or the bank of lake and river could be unpredictable. We enjoyed Duluth and the Still water and other as mentioned above. It was already four hours past after coming out of the room. We got very tired and hungry after visiting the lake side. So we poped in a Vietnamese run chinese restaurant for our lunch. The foods like a curry with shrimps and cashews, mongolian chicken and other vegetarian item, a special selection of your mamu were all tasty and rich.
After we came out from the restaurant, we had to run out fast because the weather has changed into biting cold and severe hailstorm was likely.. Besides that the unexpected fog had covered the road. We drove fast from the site back home. While on the way to home at Fairgreen Ave., Minneapolis, a local radio announced that there was a hail storm with one inch square diameter size of hailstones.
However the 12th day of our being in the US was very good and enjoyable. We were accompanied by Erin, Sugam's friend. Thank God and son Sugam who drove us all through well and safe.