Monday, September 16, 2024

US Presidential Debate, 024

Thanks for the elelgant debate -The US Presidential Debate organised by ABC and conducted by David Muir and Davis Lynesey for ABC in Pennsylvania. The debate of International level conducted at the door step of the General Elcetion of the U. S. President becomes very interesting politically through out the world. It was very interesting programme to share with the politicians as a whole and other in general. Because it gives them a lot of feed back on U.S.politics and policies in gereral. In the United States of America, the Presidential Election was some thing like 'a big festival' to the big political parties namely the Republicans and the Democrats and the people as a whole. So was the Presidential Debate also that was used to be held in the month of September in every four years. Because the candidates selected from the mass of the members of the politial party/ies had to take a great decision about the candidate who would be the final candidate to face the General Eleection being held during the month of November in every four years. And becomes the elected President of the United States of America (USA). Likewise in the previous Years,the election of the Presidential candidates is going to be held in coming month of November,024. The same big political parties of the US: the Republicans and the Democrats have brought their seasoned members as their candidates on the field to contest the Presidential Eletion. Obviously, former U.S.President Donald Trump is going to contest the election from Republican's side; whereas, the sitting Vice President H.E, Madam Kamala Harris will contest from the Democrats' side.Thus whoever found elected, would be The New President of the United States Of America. The two probable candidates met together on 10th September, Monday last to debate on the National issues of their country- USA. And also on the probable promotion and development of them in future. In the debate miscellaneous questions on different issues of National and International affairs as well and in its relation to the United States of America in special and other countries in general were also put on by David Muir and Davis Lynesey. It continued for one and half hour. Among the two participants former President of the USA, Donald Trump was out of the power for the time being. He became a mere Business Person. Whereas the other candidate Madam Kamala Harris is a sitting Vice President in the rule of the Democrats candidate President George Byden's Prsidentship in the USA. The debate ,however could not be found attractive, competitive and prestigeous. Madam Harrys found more friendly, authentic and logical. She is very much working and attached to the issues since she was working with the issues as the Vice President of USA at present. In other hand the response of the former President Donald Trump was found mere hoaxy and common. He was found lost in some of the querries. Meanwhile, he had also commited to make America Great Again four years ago. If some of the activities had been done towards accomplishing the said project, it would be high time to be acknwoledged to the leaders of his opponent party, Republicans sounds that, he has forgotten that. Therefore, the event was found more helpful to the Democrats than to the Republicans.

Monday, March 02, 2020

Improve Political Schooling

Gorkhapatra, the senior most Nepali daily in Nepal , The Rising Nepal, Kantipur, Himalayan Times, Kathmandu Post, RSS, and name any other means that is related with communication media both in a form of printed or audio and visual were found always serving Good Feed Backs  to the Government to help strengthen it further with more perfection and stability. But  the working Government Team of the country, on the contrary,  like back benchers neither understand it nor try to understand it. That was our bad luck and a consequence of bad political schooling in the country prevailed since 3 decades last or so. Who, when and what would be done to channelise the system properly and serve a Good Democratic Spirit to the people in Nepal is yet to be known. Here is a humble request to so called political leaders to think over the Issue  and channelise it properly for the benefit of us all.
Posted on Fb. On 21st Feb. 2020 from Narayan Gadh.

Friday, August 09, 2019

Rethinking over Powerball

Rethinking over Powerball
Could you make millionaire/s in a draw; Aren't you a man of a million?

- Dwarika Prasad Shrestha
(Like a say, “where there's will, there is a way”. America has got lot of industries to produce their goods and foods. She has all sorts of man power to face any sort of bottle neck in their moving forward. America also has got 'the Lottery System' like Power Ball to manufacture Millionaire/s every week/month. Herewith is a write up, “Rethinking over Powerball” to diagnose its system after 3 decades.)
It could be a big odd, if your sincerely happened to appreciate the world known multi-State run multi-million dollar awarding lottery game – Power Ball game in the United States of America running since last three decades successfully and wonderfully. It is also obvious that the Game has made hundreds of people millionaires and also billionaires each so far in the country like America.
Yours' sincerely is a tourist from Nepal in the USA, travelled 5 times and stayed almost three years altogether. He is a fan of the game, and become the client of Powerball each time whenever he lives in USA. Thus he appraises himself because he could have contributed a little money as such, at least in those millions allocated every time to award the winner of the lottery. Powerball is sold all round the clock, all through the weeks and months almost in every state twice a week and declares its winners accordingly with an announcement of millions each time as a Grand Prize. This way, the game awards millions of dollars at least to two persons a week, 8 grand prize winners a month and 96 persons as the grand prize winners a year accordingly provided the number of lucky draw was matched to the purchased one.

It's believed that lucky chances come rarely and to the few person/s as well. The Powerball game could not have declared its Grand Prize winners since last 2/3 months. Consequently, the volume of grand prize to be allocated has been swelled up like any thing in every time week by week. Thus the Powerball opened this time a few weeks ago (in the beginning of June) with an amount of $66 millions reached up to $200 millions and more by the mid- July. The accumulated amount of dollars had to be awarded for some lucky winner as a Grand Prize. Information is missing.
So far the Powerball game has ruled over nine categories of winning as following:-
Powerball payouts:
  1. OOOOO+ O Jackpot
  2. OOOOO $1.000.000
  3. OOOO+ O $50,000
  4. OOOO $100
  5. OOO+O $100
  6. OOO $7
  7. OO+O $ 7
  8. O+O$ $4
  9. O $4
(Thanks Google)
Out of these, the only person whose ticket number matched to the first draw was entitled to win the First Prize known as 'Grand Prize'. The amount of the 'Grand Prize' award supposed to be included almost all the money collected from the total sale of the tickets sold out all through the month or more than that period. So there is only one category the First category out of nine which can win hundreds of millions of dollars as a jackpot. Whereas the amount of winning for the rest of other 8 categories are fixed and fixed for ever. They could neither be reduced nor be increased. Those winning amounts are varied from one million dollar to dollar 4.

Rethinking of the system: The writer sensed that the system needs certain changes that makes the Game more popular. Because, the present system of allocation for the prizes suggested that hundreds of millions of Dollars as a Grand Prize goes to the First winner, and a million dollars to the second, 50 thousands dollars to the Third, similarly 100 dollars to the Fourth and Fifth winners each, seven dollars to Sixth and Seventh each and four dollars to Eighth and Ninth winners each of the Game. This allocation was found very much unmatching and unjustifiable in their differences to each other.

In the meantime, the Powerball lottery has created many millionaires and billionaire as discussed above. Yet, some of those highest amount of dollars or the 'Grand Prize' winners had to face their bad fate just after a few years of their golden time. The case studies posted by the Powerball says like the one who had won $1.586 billion, other like winning $ 768.4 millions, similarly other some like winning like $754.4, $687.8 and 590.5 millions respectively had to be turned into a penniless after a few years of their golden time. Thus the situation could be improved if the Powerball had rethink over the cases. Many people, when will be awarded a huge amount of money abruptly could be a victim of his/her own ignorance or even negligence besides other reasons.

Alike the costumers of all goods of services the main costumers of Powerball are none other than the general people. They are equally eligible by all means to buy the lottery ticket against his/her pocket money $2 or 3 each. They are thus equally concerned to enjoy the award (money). The award system of the Game, in other hand could not have served maintain the respect and understanding, the people in general could have assumed for the Game due to the randomly planned allocation of the prize money in it. Therefore, certain changes in allocation of the amount for the winners of different categories found essential at least to uplift their (the winners) status after they won the prize and also to help increase the number of millionaires in the country.

Make more people winners: Million or a few millions of dollars are not the small amount. The amount easily helps to carry on the existing life style of the people, no doubt,whatever his/ her economic standard of life being is. Till now the Powerball is distributing plenty of dollars twice every week as it was discussed above. The huge amount, which comes to more than two or three hundreds of million dollars out of the total amount accumulated from the week or month long sales was awarded to single player out of thousands of its fans, whenever the number sold was found and matched with the First drawn one from the Lucky box as the First or Grand Prize winner.Therefore, the number of winners could be increased if the Game made a provision for the purpose.They could be accommodated within the big amount that is allocated to award as a Grand Prize to the first number matched one so far. Following are some of the exercises that could make the case discussed more clear. Follow the Tables as below:

To declare winners for four persons:
If its 100 Mil
If its 180 Mil
If its 240 Mil
90 Millions.
120 Millions
45 Millions.
60 Millions
27 Millions
36 Millions
18 Millions
34 Millions

To declare winners for five persons:
If its 100
If its 180 Mil
If its 240 Mil
72 Millions
96 Millions
45 Millions
60 Millions
27 millions
36 Millions
24 Millions
24 Millions

Similarly, if number of winners have to be increased up to ten persons, I believe, the amount should be awarded to ten persons equally @ ten (10) per cent each.The total amount is supposed as 100 or 100%, and the like.

Likewise, rethinking was made to be concerned with other categories of prize that needed to narrow down the existing wide discrepancy between the prizes being given to Third, Fourth and Fifth, So the amount could be $500,000 instead of 50,000 to the 3rdand & 10,000 each instead of $100; to the 4th and 5th respectively. The prize money should be increased for 6th, 7tht, 8th and 9th,,like $700 each to 6th and 7th instead of $7 only and $400 each instead of $4 only to 8th and 9th categories respectively.

There is not any discussion raised here about the process of Lucky Draw system that is prevailed for the Game. As it is said that “other things remaining the same”, the existing Lucky Draw system is better to be continued as it is.

Aren't you a Man of a Million?: However, the Multi State Lottery Game (MUSL) was applied, must be, not simply for fun sake but also for other good cause of contributing its best effort to help promote the economic activities of the State. So the game was played with a collection of negligible amount of money from people for the Lottery game.The Power ball (MUSL) has definitely played very valuable game creating Millionaire/s every week or month in the State/s. If the Game became still more popular it will help add 5 to 10 millionaires almost in every month. More millionaires more will be investment for more business and more industries as well. Likewise, more growth in economy of the country.The people then will enjoy to ask their friend a question like “ R n't U a Man of a Million ?” instead of asking like “ R U a job holder ? It could also help make the America Greater again. Like the President Trump used to say.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Decoration Piece

- Dwarika Prasad Shrestha

The ‘Decoration Piece’ was written and published in 
‘the Kathmandu Post’ daily, nearly 25 years ago. The 
two black monuments guarding main entrance of the 
ILO building in Geneva, of course, has kept up the 
remembrance of the success of ILO’s noble task that 
helped the black people become free of the slavery in 
1985, afresh and fair. Yet, the ILO has not achieved 
its main objective completely, I suppose. A display of 
nudity of men- both male and/or female in a form of 
black stone, at a public place for ever was a cause of 
insult and humiliation of the mankind. Your sincerely‘s 
humble request is to move them in a good hall inside 
the building and establish with due respect. The 
monument couple are the historic symbol of the ILO’s 
historic effort to abolish the slavery in the world. 
They ‘r not the ‘mere Decoration Piece’.  

Saturday, October 27, 2018

What on earth can she do?

Dwarika Pd. Shrestha
What on Earth, she can do ? When she has to do nothing but lying down unconscious and static on the bed since 5 months plus last. Despite that a big volume of water (in terms of money) was flown in the rivers like Bagmati and Bishnumati by her family member during the season of rain Jesth, Asar,, Srawan "n Bhadra, 2075 (May, june, july and August ...,2018) in Kath mandu and also in Ganges water in New Delhi, India she was left lying down senseless and immovable on the bed back home in Kathmandu. She was the patient of the disease which is yet to be diagnosed most probably.
She, Sirjana, a school teacher and a mother of two kids - a son and a daughter, was helped travel in many big medical centers in Nepal and India namely Grandi, Neuro (a short name of the Hospital named after a name of neurologist) in Nepal and Medan in New Delhi, India. And back in Nepal, the home country, she was admitted in Mediciti at Nakkhu, Lalitpur. All of these Hospitals were built lately with sufficient accessibility of modern equipment and professipnals as well thus ruled out a rich rate of medical service charges and the medicines over the poor commoner of the developing country were tired of working with her health problem. She was later admitted to the Rm. # 5 in the big and senior most Hospital in the country, Bir Hospital, nearby Ratna Park, Kathmandu.. Like a say "Back to Mangalman" to the genuine Kathmanduits. One fellow was asking, whether the case was really a new challenge to the 'modern Medical Science'. The patient is lying down senseless and staric still, virtually like a dead body. She was administered some of major as well as minor operations too already while travelled in all of the well named Hospitals mentioned above.
Being a middle class family member in the developing country, if one has to survive in a big crisis of unidentified, costly and painful sufferings by health amidst the ill-secured provisions of health as well as economic possibilities was, of course, really a big tragedy to her, her family and the society concerned.
People are born not simply to eat and die. He/she also belongs to some thoughts, ideas, ambition and aimed to reach to certain point of his/her satisfaction of his/her good deeds. He/she also must have dreamt to reach to certain point of satisfaction of good deeds in relation to his/her kids, other family member/s and the society concerned. Obviously, the school teacher of 40s was there with similar type of vision and thus shared her experiences of 40 years past with students and the friends around earlier and expected an end result of the deeds, but in vain.
The new development and ever changing technology in the latest world caused the developing countries to become more poor and unprogressive. They have become victim of poverty, poor education system and face lack of many essential requirements for the cause of development. In the meantime the nuisance flared up in the field of medicine in the name of medical advancement with new Hospital buildings and the number of man power produced from each and every Tom,...Harry medical institution have threatened the life of Nepal in general. Mere money is not the matter. Big money matters discipline, honesty sincerity and also applying the Ethics he/she had learned while working for building up his/her career earlier and love to the country and the people the country belongs to. .."Jaya Nepal".

Saturday, May 06, 2017

National Journalism Day - Nepal

It was good to know that the Nepal Government has announced the 24th of Baisakh as the day for 'The National Journalism Day' in Nepal. 24th of Baisakh was the day when
'Gorkhapatra', weekly was initiated in Nepal with a new vision of Journalism in the country 115 yrs. ago. The remarkable announcement of the Government to observe the day as 'The National Journalism Day' not only encouraged the working journalists but also paid a good respect to the fellow journalists and the profession of journalism in the country. To the people like me who spent half of the total career ( The Rising Nepal, daily - 19 yrs; Gorkhapatra, daily - 1year and Adm. wing 2 yrs. under the umbrella of Gorkhapatra) the announcement has become a matter of great pride. Journalism is my Pride. Thanks to the Government !!!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

A comment on new Draft Constitution

                           -Dwarika Pd. Shrestha
Tuesday, August 04, 2015
A comment on new Draft Constitution
A comment forwarded to the New Constitution makers of Nepal
By logic whether it was on the basis of politics or law prevailed in the country at present, the task of constitution making was a responsibility of the Constitutional Assembly (CA), formed 7 years ago or in 1965. The first CA with 4 year term couldn’t accomplish the constitution writing and was dissolved for nothing but at the cost of billions of rupees owed to millions of Nepali laymen.. The second CA formed in 1970 has made public the first draft of the new expected constitution, 2072 b. s. in its 2 and half year time. The peoples’ views on the draft were collected in various gatherings of different people (voters) in different occasions and places.
 I read out the comment in this regard in an audience on 12th Sravan, 2072 b.s. and 28th July, 2015 a.d. at Kamal Pokhari. 
That was as follows:-
“The country’s only problem, at this moment was the lack of a person, that can lead. Same was the ‘Bad luck’ of us, the Nepali people, other than the few one who have been tapped back frequently by some so called political leader/s.

We didn’t have Mahatma Gandhi or Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru like in India, nor we had Mao-tse Tung  … Deng Chio Ping like in the Peoples” Republic of China . We had Gautam Buddha who has been established as ‘The Lord Buddha’ or The Lord Gautam Buddha’ in the Universe. That was our Glory and the big Fortune.

We had some heroes like Ganga Lal Shrestha, Dasarath Chand, Dharma Bhakta Mathema and Sukra Raj Sastri. They sacrificed their lives for the sake of Peoples’ Right or Democracy in the country long time back. We had heroes like Bir Ganesh Man Singh, B. P. Koirala,  Mana Mohan Adhikary, Puspa Lal Shrestha and a few other. Late King Tribhuwan put his crown on dice for the sake of Peoples’ Democracy. Consequently, there was revolution in 2007 B.S. or 1951 A.D.and eliminated the Rana Regime. But they lived a short life only after the People’s Democracy was introduced in the country. In 1963/64 B.S. or 2006 A.D. We had similar revolt under the leadership of hard liner Communist – Maoist and kicked out the Shah rulers also from the country. This way we kicked out ‘The King’ and finished the ‘Kingship’. The Country is ‘Leader-free’ now.  

Now:- We don’t have ‘The King’, but hundred of Kings all around in the present political system. The present politics in Nepal is nowhere else no matter what the so called leaders of all the political parties say whatever on their own version since two and half decades last. Being Federal Democratic Republic system as they said while delivering long speech in various gathering in different times Every Kazi and Paaji has become leader/s as they have been well tapped back by political leader/s, no matter whether they were deserved to. Consequently, we, Nepalese have been facing multi kings – ‘Fake Kings’ – their poor qualifications, corrupt ideas and less experience. The ‘Fake Kings were none other than the Presiden / V. President or Secretary of the certain’Organization or Union or some other Union working under umbrella of certain political parties. They are stationed in every where or unit of services. Therefore, if one has to admit his/her studious and qualified child in a good school/ college or university these days he/she has to go to the president/v.president or secretary of the certain Union or organization or political chaps to consult/ask for favour, Similarly, if they have to admit some sick family member in a Hospital, they have to do the same. Not necessary to go to the rector v.chancelor or any other personnel concerned of the University or College nor the superintendent or the Doctor concerned of the hospital. Those political agent/s would do everything on their own benefit. They work for their party neither for institution nor for the country nor for the people. Even in the Legislative body the CA members do monopoly in the House meeting. They are very serious in the matter of the ‘Resources and the Executive power play’ discussion and on the discussion like distributing 5 million rupees at the name of regional development to each of the C. A. member. In such discussion, the attendance in the House become full. While discussing on other agenda/s related with other national issues other than the issues mentioned above, hardly 25 percent of them attend the session. So, we don’t have ‘The King’, but hundred of fake Kings all around in the present political system. Only way out we had, was to wait for the Good Days to come. (re-posted on Wednesday, March 15, 2017 or 2nd Chaitra, 2073)
