Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Orlando Massacre

  • Dwarika Pd. Shrestha
      After Bernardino County massacre in South California on December 2, 2015 the U.S. had to face another deadliest attack by ISIS men in Orlando, Florida on 12th June, 2016.

Thousands of people mourned the death of simple and innocent people in an attack in Orlando, Florida. Many people who lost their beloved ones being killed in the wild gun fire by a 29 year old radicalized young Omar Mir Siddique Mateen in a well known Pulse Night Club at Orlando were badly shocked. The incident claimed 50 lives and 53 other were hospitalized for their serious injury. People could not speak even a single sentence of their feelings completely when asked about their dead loving ones, They screamed and screamed and screamed … … ….

President Obama said the Massacre as “an act of terror and act of hate.” However, the attack that aimed among the civilians at any certain place abruptly for no reason at all was a hateful act. And the act could be the Second deadliest raid in US after 9/11 massacre and the third episode of their planned attacks in the USA in accordance with their commitment to finish 90 percent Americans in 2016.

America, now, is not a land of pure Americans only. As the late President of the United States of America Ronald Reagan once said to the school students in his visit to a local school, “you go to the U.K. or Germany or Japan or France or any where else you go in the world and studied and stayed there for a long period and applied for citizenship, you wouldn't get. It's only in America where many people from different countries have got citizenship. It's our pride. … .” So many people of different religion, colour, caste, creed and Nationalities are in America as an American citizen. No doubt, Islam people also have been included as a part of them. So the America has become a land of those Islam people also, who were the American citizen. Therefore the public places whether that be a school or club or play ground or a state county or stadium or any platform were the place where not only the Americans but each and every one living in America could go and enjoy. They have all rights too for the purpose. In this context, yours' sincerely remembers an event occurred recently in the America. While dealing with the questions from the audience in a presidential campaigning, in a hall, the lady candidate for the Presidentship of the United States of America, Madam Hillary Clinton was asked by a Islamic person, apparently a professor of some American University that whether the Madam has certain programme to save America from Islamophobia, the Madam had reportedly said in reply that the Americans had not to be scared of the phobia because the Americans include many Islamic people also as citizens of the country, America.

In the Pulse Night club, when the programme was run one cannot say that only pure Americans were enjoying there. And one cannot say even that no Islami person were present over there. In other way round, it could be said that the attack claimed 50 lives and 53 badly injured. One cannot say that no Islamic person other than Omar Mateen had been injured or dead in the attack. There were reportedly 300 persons enjoying the programme at that time the programme on their own. It's said “Targeting civilians is not justified at any circumstances.” Furthermore, like Tashfeen Malik and Syed Farook, ISIS men reportedly late perpetrators of Bernardino Massacre, that claimed 14 dead and 22 hospitalized, late Omar Mateen again reportedly the perpetrator of Orlando Night Club Massacre also was a citizen of America. So in President Obama's word “they were the home grown terrorists.”
What was the Use?
The ISIS radicalists were no doubt, well read and very learned people. They were equally capable and rich too. Thus many of them must have occupied many key positions also. And many of them could have many beautiful options too, of course, for the cause of helping promote lot of professionals in the world. There are many places in the world which is not equally developed, and many people who are not equally read, rich and capable for doing things. The 29 year old Omar Mateen was dead in a cross firing. One good strength of human being lost. That was a big loss for the time being. And that could not be recovered. For the people of some countries that needed development need a long effort of capacity and richness and time to raise the guys to the level of study and understanding the dead 29 yr. old Mateen had gained and that would be very effective had the strength could be used for the cause of some goodness.

Yours' sincerely is a Nepali, has come here all the way from Nepal. Nepal is the Land of Himala- ya (the Mt. Everest), Land of Lord Pasupati Nath and the Land of Lord Buddha in Asia. The people hailed from such place/ country do never appreciate such hateful acts. Rather they denounce the people who caused to drive people through such act of terrorism. And they condole all the berea- ved families and relatives of the dead ones in the brutal attack. They pray Lord Allah or Lord Pasupati Nath or Jesus Christ (with a belief that One in All) to bless the families of the dead ones a strength to bear the irreparable loss of their family member.
6/14/2016. from Apple Valley, MN.


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